Carpet Technician for a day


  FusionCRS StaffAs the Office Assistant my job typically includes phone calls, paper work, and any other things that need to be handled in the office. However, last Friday I was able to go out in the field and experience what the Carpet Technicians do. I really wanted to be able to do the field aspect of this job so I can get a better understanding of everything we do and offer when I am talking to any customers. I especially wanted to go out and learn about the importance of having clean floors, furniture, and even cars!

Originally when the shift started I figured we would just be jumping on the van and heading out to our first job, boy was I wrong. I was introduced to the crew (being a new comer as it is) then told to go with the person who was going to train me so he could show me what I need to know. He showed me a check list full of things I either didn’t know what it meant, or where it was to check for it. Then he assigned me to check the oil! As a woman, the basics apply. I know where it is and what purpose it serves, but I have no idea how to check if it has enough! Thanks to the friendly staff they showed me how to check it and where to fill it up. Next up was cleaning the dirty water filter, being shown how to fill up the water tank, and then it was time to go to the first job!

The staff assigned to train me has been with the company for a few years and is very knowledgeable as well as a certified technician, he told me the basics and offered any information when I asked. He explained steps we take, chemicals we use, machines we use, and what I was expected to do. When I think of carpet cleaning, my first thought is not an easy job. However, not only is it a psychically demanding job but you also have steps you have to take as well as knowing a lot of information on what type of chemicals or tools to use on what kind of floors.

There are quite a few steps you have to take when cleaning the carpet to make sure it turns out as clean as possible. First you vacuum to remove Dry soil. Removing dry soil is one of the most vitally crucial steps in any cleaning process. Next, you spray the carpet with a preconditioning agent which is applied to emulsify and break down traffic area soil and general spots for a more thorough cleaning. Difficult spots are pre-treated with special solutions to increase chances of removal. After you spray the carpet you then agitate it. When agitating, you use a grooming brush / rotary brush to further loosen the soil. The carpet is then thoroughly rinsed using a powerful extraction cleaning system without over wetting the carpet or leaving a sticky residue behind. Every carpet that we clean is pH balanced afterwards so that there is no sticky residue left behind. This also leaves your carpet soft and fresh. Any spots or stains still remaining will get extra treatment with our many specialty spotting solutions. Your carpet is groomed with a professional groomer so that the pile of your carpet is standing tall when we leave. Post grooming helps the carpet pile dry faster and in the right position. High velocity air movers are placed on the carpet immediately after cleaning to promote faster drying.

The first job was much simpler than the rest, it was very open and empty because it was being sold. He showed me how to run the hoses around the house, what type of protection to put around the walls so we didn’t damage them, and how to rake when he was done. He showed me every step he took along the way, and educated me about what it was he was doing and why. The second job was the hardest, it was in an apartment on the second floor, which meant carrying everything upstairs. Since I haven’t done such a psychically demanding job or activities in a while, at the third job I began to drag and probably started getting more in the way more than I was helping. At the fourth and last job, I was confident I was going to be helpful and fast, since it requires you to move fast due to the certain amount of time that you have. Then the vacuum we had broke. After we got another vacuum to use we got back to work, the whole time I was suppose to be a few steps ahead of him and he ended up waiting on me.

At the end of the work day I really felt like I had a better understanding of what the carpet technicians do, and what the processes were to have a cleaner carpet and a cleaner home. I also felt how psychically demanding the job was on all of my muscles. I would definitely enjoy becoming more educated in carpet cleaning, and I will definitely be going back out to work in the field.