
 I don’t have to sweep, I’ll just mop when it looks dirty.

False: Tile flooring needs to be swept just as often as mopped. Dirt accumulates within the grout lines daily even though it’s not visible to your eyes. Waiting to mop or sweep your tile floors until you visibly see they need it, is too late. Over time, your grout lines will lose their color and finish much faster.


 My tile looks great, as long as I keep it mopped, I don’t need to seal it.

False: Every tile surface should be sealed to resist stains and enable an easier cleaning process. The schedule in which your tile should be sealed varies with its location and tile material.


I don’t have to sweep, I’ll just mop when it looks dirty.

False: Tile flooring needs to be swept just as often as mopped. Dirt accumulates within the grout lines daily even though it’s not visible to your eyes. Waiting to mop or sweep your tile floors until you visibly see they need it, is too late. Over time, your grout lines will lose their color and finish much faster.


My tile looks great, as long as I keep it mopped, I don’t need to seal it.

False: Every tile surface should be sealed to resist stains and enable an easier cleaning process. The schedule in which your tile should be sealed varies with its location and tile material.


 I can just use a little warm water with a few drops of soap to clean my tile.

True:  While it’s always safest to research the best practices for cleaning your specific tile surface, most home remedy solutions will always instruct to dilute the substance used. Tile surfaces are delicate and can be easily cleaned. The frequency  of the cleaning is what’s most important, not the chemicals used which could dull the surface of the tile.


 I’m going to let the water soak in the grout lines of my tile, to loosen up the dirt before I clean it.

False: If you’ve ever had your tile professionally cleaned, we never “soak” your grout lines in order to give you a sparkling clean finish. Why? It’s not necessary to do so. Allowing too much water to remain on your tile floors can and will dull it’s finish. Water has minerals in it that react with certain tile floors and leave them just as dull if not more, than when you started. Have you ever noticed your floors didn’t look so clean after you soaked them? I’ve made the same mistakes myself before I knew better.